Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Strategic management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Strategic management - Essay ExampleOrganizational culture can be delimitate as an existence of shared understanding in a society, organization, team or group. husbandry is soundless to be a multifarious phenomenon which operates at various levels such as visible and invisible, conscious and subconscious. Culture helps in shaping the history and legacy of an organization (Wilkins and Ouchi, 2003). Cultural analysis of an organization can be used to be aware of the strengths and weaknesses of an organization. Organizational culture creates patterns of behaviour and also includes the way through which scheme can be managed in an organization.Culture has its relevance in every organization. Culture decides the way the round interacts in the organization. A healthy culture within the organization motivates the employees and encourages them to stay loyal to the organization. Culture of the workplace also ensures existence of a healthy competition in the workplace (Cooke and Rousseau , 2011). It is the culture of the organization that drives the employees to get the goals of the organization by performing efficiently. The culture within the organization provides the employees with predefined sets of policies and guidelines which will direct them towards achieving success at workplace (Bloor and Dawson, 2004). Work culture ensures creating a brand image of the organization in the long ravel out by providing a unique identity to it. Most importantly, organizational culture unites all the employees who otherwise blend to different cultural backgrounds. Every organization therefore must focus on enhancing its culture to drive in positive changes.Organizational stability involves maintaining status quo and emerging in a methodological and deadening manner. The organizations that have attained a level of gain desire to maintain the stability of such growth in the future and for that various strategies are to be implemented by the organization (Schwenk, 1989 ).

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