Friday, May 17, 2019

ABCDEFG Algorithm Look A Airway

Text Version- ABCDEFG algorithmic program Look A Airway B Breathing C CirculationFor some(prenominal) signs of airway obstruction For express of mouth/neck/swelling/haematoma For security of artificial airway Look At the boob wall act, to see if it is normal and symmetrical To see if the long-suffering is using their neck and shoulder muscles to perch (accessory muscles) At the patient to measure to measure their respiratory rate Look At the skin influence for pallor and peripheral cyanosis At the capillary refill time At the patients profound venous pressure and jugular venous pressure Look At the level of consciousness For facial symmetry, abnormal movements, seizure activity or absent limb movements At pupil size, equality and reaction to light Listen For noisy breathing e. g. gurgling, snoring or stridor pure tone For the presence of air movement For security of artificial airway Feel For the position of the trachea to see if it is central For surgical pulmonary emphyse ma or crepitus If the patient is diaphoretic (Sweaty) Listen To the patient talking to see if they can complete wide-cut sentences For noisy breathing e. g. stridor, wheezingListen To the patient for complaints of dizziness and headaches For patients blood pressure and heart sounds Feel Your patients hands and feet to see if they ar warm or cold Your patients peripheral pulses for presence, rate, quality, regularity and equality. Feel For patients response to external stimuli For muscle power and military force D Disability Listen To patients response to external stimuli and pain For slurred saving For patients predilection to person, place and time. E F Exposure Fluids G Glucose Give type O Position your patient Call for help if you cant manage Never leave a deteriorating patient without a priority management and review plan Look Listen Feel For any bleeding e. g. nvestigate wounds and drains For air leaks in drains The patients abdomen that may be hidden by bed garment For bo wel sounds Look Listen Feel At the observation and fluid charts, noting the fluid For patients complaints of thirst The skin turgor input and output At losses from all drains and tubes At the amount and contort of the patients urine and urinalysis results Look Listen Feel At blood glucose levels For patients complaints of thirst If the patient is diaphoretic, (sweaty, cold or clammy) For signs of low glucose, including confusion and For patients orientation to person, place and time decreased conscious state At medication chart for insulin and oral hypoglycaemics base on your assessment (above) decide an appropriate oxygen flow rate or percentage.If in discredit commence on 4L/min on a Hudson mask and increase as indicated by oxygen saturation or patient condition. Position your patient to optimise their breathing-usually this is as upright position as possible and as tolerated by the patient. Place the patient in the left lateral position if they are unconscious but have adequa te breathing and circulation and where there is no evidence of spinal detriment Establish IV If not present, +/- fluids Document and communicate clearly all treatment provided, outcomes of treatment use what care is still required The plan should include expected outcomes and when the patient will be reviewed again.

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