Wednesday, November 27, 2019
War on Drugs and Its Effects
Introduction Drug trafficking has become a common problem in modern societies due to the high number of its effects. People have intentionally abused drugs by using them for purposes other than the prescribed ones. This has led to the formation of laws to govern drug trafficking and drug use in most countries that are determined to eradicate this problem. Drugs are not a problem to the society; however, drug abuse causes complications that make them harmful to users and other people.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on War on Drugs and Its Effects specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More A drug is a substance taken to give the user pleasure and satisfaction. People take drugs due to various reasons including treatment of diseases, pain relieving and disease prevention (Mendoza 2010). However, some drugs are used for refreshment and entertainment like alcohol, cigarettes, cocaine, bhang and heroin. Even though, some drugs are used for curative or pain relieving purposes some people misuse them hence causing unintended effects in their bodies. Even though, there are no exact figures to represent the actual problem of drug abuse in the modern society, there are credible statistics that offer information about drug dealing and abuse. The results show that Afghanistan, Russia, United States, Mexico, Colombia, Iran and Australia record high number of drug trafficking, use and abuse. Most drug abusers are youths and adults experiencing stress and depression (Global Commission on Drug Policy 2011). Most people abuse drugs due to lack of jobs that make them desperate and idle. As a result, they resort to abuse drugs to escape from world realities. Moreover, constant family conflicts between couples make them start using drugs and without knowing they end up abusing them. In addition, loss of jobs due to retrenchment or recession makes people abuse drugs as they seek ways of forgetting their predicaments (United Nations 2012). However, most youths abuse drugs after failing to meet their academic expectations. Some also abuse drugs due to pressure from their peers and curiosity to experiment the effects of these drugs. The ââ¬Å"War on Drugsâ⬠refers to military steps taken to curb drug abuse, production and trade. These steps include fighting the production of prohibited drugs, educating the public on dangers of drug abuse and creating rehabilitation centres for drug addicts.Advertising Looking for essay on criminal law? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The United States formulated this policy to control the production of prohibited drugs through the provision of monetary support to finance projects aimed at curbing this problem (United Nations 2012). This fight was started in 1914 after various drug abuse cases were reported. Even though, this policy took various faces it has since been adopted by many nations as a way of fight ing the effects and prevalence of drug abuse. It is necessary to note that the legalization of prohibited drugs will have various effects in the society. Even though, this will offer room for employment opportunities and development of more houses to act as stores dealing with drugs, the side effects will be more than the benefits accrued (Cave 2012). It is true that legalizing these drugs will reduce the number of unemployed youths and offer sources of income to many families. However, the negative effects of legalizing prohibited drugs will be beyond the societyââ¬â¢s imaginations. Families will breakup as a result of abusing drugs at the expense of family responsibilities. Therefore, there will be separation and divorce cases. Children will suffer the consequences of being raised by single parents (Global Commission on Drug Policy 2011). Additionally, family conflicts will result in violence, injuries, death and destruction of family property like furniture and electronics. Th ere will be a high number of unemployed people in the society because most of them will be sacked due to engaging in drug abuse at the expense of work. This will contribute to a high number of social evils like prostitution and robbery because people will be idle and unable to raise money through legal means. Most countriesââ¬â¢ economies will drop due to the reduced number of manpower required to participate in productive activities. There will be less productive people as many will be spending their time in drug dens (Global Commission on Drug Policy 2011). There will be an increase in the rate of sexually transmitted infections since people will engage in carless sexual activities. The effects of drug abuse include irrational thinking that will result in unprotected sexual activities among drug addicts. Sometimes this behaviour may extend to their families, friends and relatives leading to incest, defilement and rape. Although, alcohol affects peopleââ¬â¢s health, it is not prohibited since there are guidelines that regulate its production (Ogutu 2012). This involves the labelling of alcohol bottles and tins to show their alcohol concentration.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on War on Drugs and Its Effects specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Additionally, alcoholic products are brewed or distilled in a clean environment; therefore, this guarantees their users healthy products. The United Nations is against any attempts to legalize prohibited drugs. There are various seminars that continue to highlight the plight of drug users as attempts are being made to fight drug peddling. Conclusion The fight against prohibited drugs is not a complete failure since various nations and institutions are making considerable steps that will eradicate this menace. Various rehabilitation centres have been established and thus rehabilitated many drug addicts. However, people must volunteer and offer essen tial information to law enforcement agencies to help fight this problem. References Cave, D., (2012). Uruguay Considers Legalizing Marijuana to Stop Traffickers.à The New York Times.à Web. Global Commission on Drug Policy, (2011). War on Drugs. Report of the Global Commission on Drug Policy. Web. Mendoza, M., (2010). U. S. Drug Wars has Met None of Its Targets. U. S. Security News.à Web. Ogutu, J., (2012). Three Charged over Sh4m Drug Trafficking. The Standard Digital Media. Web. United Nations, (2012). Mexico General Debate, 67th Session. General Assembly.à Web.Advertising Looking for essay on criminal law? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This essay on War on Drugs and Its Effects was written and submitted by user Beau T. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
French Expressions With the Verb Rendre
French Expressions With the Verb Rendre The French verb rendre literally means to return and is also used in many idiomatic expressions. Learn how to give thanks, glorify, comply with orders, and more with this list of expressions with rendre. Possible meanings of rendre to give back, returnto administer (justice)to hand in (homework)to pay off (e.g., an experiment)to produce, make, yieldto repayto render (a thought, an expression)to surrenderto vomit Expressions with rendre rendre adjectiveto make (happy, scared, mad, etc.)rendre là ¢meto breathe ones lastrendre un culte to worshiprendre de la distance (running)to have a (distance) handicaprendre gloire to glorifyrendre gorgeto repay unfairly gotten gainsrendre grà ¢ces to give thanks torendre hommage to pay homage torendre honneur - rendre les derniers honneurs to pay tribute to - to pay the last tributes torendre du poids (horse-riding)to have a (weight) handicaprendre des pointsto give someone a head startrendre raison de quelque chose to give a reason for somethingrendre serviceto be a great help, to be handyrendre service quelquunto do someone a servicerendre le soupirto breathe ones last rendre visite quelquunto visit someonese rendre to go tose rendre lappel de quelquunto respond to someones appealse rendre lavis de quelquunto bow to someones advicese rendre compte deto realizese rendre levidenceto face factsse rendre aux ordresto comply with ordersse rendre aux prià ¨res de quelquunà à to yield to someones pleasse rendre aux raisons de quelquunto bow to someones reasonsRendez-vous compte!Just imagine!Tu te rends compte?Can you imagine?
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The aftermath of the global financial crisis 2007-2008 Essay
The aftermath of the global financial crisis 2007-2008 - Essay Example Aftermath of 2008 financial crisis In a nutshell, the financial crisis has been the reflection of the imbalance between the growth of real markets and financial sectors. Some major US banks made easy availability of housing loans to its customers, which in turn had led to unprecedented debt-levels, as accounted to be three times the GDP in the US and Europe. Many of the banksââ¬â¢ customers defaulted in repayments of these loans and this bubble burst added liquidity and caused bankruptcy and closing down of these banks. The total economic impacts of this crisis has been accounted as one third of the total values of all companies worldwide. More significantly and obviously, millions of employees lost their jobs and many of them were pushed to poverty. When the recent financial turmoil has hit several economies worldwide, it was observed that due to the crisis, assets prices have been inflated, currents accounts reported larger deficits and slowed-down economic growth of most nation s. Though these were quite commonly reported and widely discussed impacts of the crisis, changes in equity prices, employment and output were more dangerous impacts being studied and reviewed by some literatures. Reinhart and Rogoff (2009, p. 466) found that financial crisis in rich countries and emerging markets like Brazil, Russia, India and China have caused tremendous changes in economic variables in common. Broadly speaking, there have been major changing-patterns in housing and equity prices, unemployment rate, government revenues and debt. They detailed that major three impacts of the global credit crisis were a) collapse in assets market, b) profound declines in output and increase in unemployment and c) governmentââ¬â¢s debt explosions. The financial crisis has caused accumulation of stock of wealth with greater risks and losses in stock markets in almost all developed and emerging economies. The losses in stock market have been accounted as between 30 and 70 percent in 2008. The value of fund-assets have been declined by 25 or more percent by 2008 September and 2009 April. A number of companies found that their capitalization as already wiped out and as a result many of such companies became bankrupt. One very significant sign of this crisis has been falling housing prices in all those crisis-hit countries (Germain 2009, p. 672). Another major consequence of the recent financial crisis was decline in real per capita GDP. During the crisis, the decline in real GDP was smaller for advanced nations as compared with those of emerging countries. The financial crisis has been contaminating smooth functioning of the economy as it has generated a decline in the GDP during 2008 and 2009. According to IMFââ¬â¢s findings, the global activity would be contracted by 1.4 percent in 2009. GDP in real terms would be declining by 2.6% in the US, 4.8 % in the Euro-zone, 6.2 % in Germany and 4.2% in Spain (Pike and Tomaney 2010, p. 507). The 2008 financial crisis has increased the rate of unemployment worldwide. As a result, absolute poverty was more likely to rise in many countries. income disparities were found in most regions of the world due to severe financial crisis. It was projected that global unemployment would be increased by
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Relationship Between ANA Test Titers Autoimmune Disease Research Paper - 9
Relationship Between ANA Test Titers Autoimmune Disease - Research Paper Example Among the patients ââ¬Ëdata we collected, 13 (29.5%) patients had 40 ANA test titers, 4 (9.1%) had 80 titers, 4 (9.1%) had 160 titers, 10 (22.7%) had 320 titers, 4 (9.1%) had 640 titers, 6 (13.6%) had 1280 titers, and 3 (6.8%) had 1320 titers. This is well illustrated by both table 1 below and graph 1. During the sample, analysis three groups of diagnosis of autoimmune disease were detected. Group 1 had 13 (29.5%) patients, group 2 had 19 (43.2%) patients, and group 3 had 12 (27.3%). Table 2 and figure 2 better illustrate this Among the 13 patients who were found to fall in the category of 40 titers ANA test SLE, 2 were found to fall in group 1, 6 were found to fall in group 2, and 5 were found to fall in group 3. Among the 4 patients who were found to fall in the category of 80 titers ANA test SLE, 2 were found to fall in group 1, 1 one was found to fall in group 2, and another 1 was found to fall in group 3. Among the four in the category of 160 titers ANA test SLE, 2 were found to fall in group 1, 1 in group 2, and another 1 in group 3. Among the 10 in the category of 320 titers, ANA test SLE, 3 were found to fall in group 1, 4 in group 2, and 3 in group 3. Among the 4 in the category of 640 titers ANA test SLE, 1 was found to fall in group one while the other 3 were found to fall in group 2. Among the six in the category of 1280 titers ANA test SLE, 2 were found to fall in group 1, 2 in group 2, and 2 in group 3. Among the three in the category of 1320 titers ANA test SLE, 1 was found to fall in group 1, and the other 2 in group 2. Table 3, figure 3, and figure 4 had better illustrate this. In this project, we test the null hypothesis that the ANA and diagnosis are associated. According to Hirschfield & Heathcote (2011), the ANA test is the main testing tool used for the diagnosis of autoimmune rheumatic conditions. This test makes use of antinuclear antibodies in the diagnosing of these conditions.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Social venture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Social venture - Essay Example Through the efforts of volunteers, the food collected are ââ¬Å"sort, repack and shelve almost 400 tons of food at our warehouse every week, doing the work of what would be about 50 full-time employeesâ⬠San Francisco Food Bank (2011). This makes the organisation boast of close to two million pounds of food in their warehouse. These pounds of food are given back to society by delivering them to over four hundred local non-profit making organisations who for various reasons may be in need of the food. Social Problems and Challenges addressed by San Francisco Food Bank As its name suggest, the social problem addressed by San Francisco Food Bank is hunger reduction and provision of food to feed the masses. This social problem addressed by the organisation cannot be described with any other words better than saying it is a course in the right direction. The decision to tackle food related problem is particularly important noting the fact that scholars shuch as Abraham Maslow recogn ises food as the number one need of humanity. This way, it is true to conclude that San Francisco Food Bank tackles the most important social problem of humanity. The basis on which the organisation operates in this venture of social problem is seen in its mission statement, which is stated as ââ¬Å"We provide food to over 24,000 households in San Francisco and Marin counties each week. We will distribute 41.5 million pounds of food to the community this year, enough to feed 88,000 meals every dayâ⬠(Charity Navigator, 2011). Clearly, the figure of 88,000 meals everyday is awesome and needful. Inversely, the city of San Francisco would have 88,000 meals missed every day and some 24,000 households would have suffered empty stomach but for San Francisco Food Bank. Strategies used in addressing social problems The major strategy used by San Francisco Food Bank in the jurisdiction of its social mission is volunteerism and fundraising. According to the organisation, they ââ¬Å"rel y on volunteers like you to help sort, package and distribute healthy food to people in need in San Franciscoâ⬠(San Francisco Food Bank (2011). Volunteerism is also seen in the acquisition of the food in the organisationââ¬â¢s ââ¬Ëfood bankââ¬â¢. This way, the company acknowledges the fact that ââ¬Å"this can include test-marketed products, items close to code date, produce that is the wrong shape or size for conventional markets and excess. Food drives are an important source of variety.â⬠Day in an out, the organisation through mass media advertisement and publicity programs solicit for the inclusion of the ordinary San Franciscan in its volunteer activities. The organisation also organises fundraising events that aims at soliciting for physical cash for the running of the organisation. Scrutiny of San Francisco Food Bankââ¬â¢s Strategies in addressing Social Problems ââ¬â including Projected Social Impact The major strength of San Francisco Food Bankâ â¬â¢s strategy for addressing its social interventions is that the work output of the company is extremely large to be undertaken by regularly and fully employed workers, especially as the organisation is only a non-profit making venture. Volunteerism is chosen by the organisation purposely because the work load on the organisation is extremely tedious and vast. Needing to feed over 24,000 households with 41.5 million poun
Friday, November 15, 2019
Testing of Pharmaceutical Tablet Strip
Testing of Pharmaceutical Tablet Strip CAREER EPISODE 1 1.1 INTRODUCTION I completed my Bachelors degree in electronics and communication engineering in the year 2011. I pursed my engineering from Vyas Institute of Engineering and Technology, Jodhpur, India. During my final semester of engineering I had to make a working model in the field of electronics. I came up with a project called Testing of Pharmaceutical Tablet strip. The project was performed in group of three. It was completed under the direction and support of Er. Yogesh Chaudhary. In my first career episode, I have described the work done by me in this project in detail. 1.2 BACKGROUND Requirement of medicines and its production is increasing rapidly. There are possible occurrences of breakage, cracks in the capsule or table while its production. And when these damaged tablets are consumed, it may cause irritation or side effects to other body parts. To inspect the production, it becomes very tough manually but the same task can be achieved with the help of image processing through automation of visual inspection. My project deals with the identification of the damaged products after its manufacturing. It involves series of task like segmentation, image processing, filtration, subtraction, pixel-calculation, de-noising, thresholding, and region based statics to identify the damaged and broken tablets. 1.3 The basic moto behind my project is to identify and filter out the damaged and defective capsule strips. Missing tablet, color, or shape/size difference between a set of tablets, or any crack or breakage in the tablets will be identified and marked as defect through my project. The idea was to reduce the manual work for identification of the damaged tablets as the job can be tedious. And to introduce a new procedure that would contribute in digital technology and for the welfare of the society. Identification of defective tablets is done with the help of image processing that uses various techniques of algorithm for processing all the digital images. 1.4 Image processing works on the technique that uses features like extraction, pattern recognition, edge detection and template matching. This process manipulates the data faster to achieve the desired result. For quality assurance of the products that are being manufactured majorly require automation of visual inspection. In this technique, a morphological operation such as opening operation is used for finding defects. The image is made fit for the further processing by performing image segmentation on the input image and then it is filtered to remove any noise. By inscribing rectangles subtraction is performed on the image with the help of morphological operations and it is also subtracted from original gray image which shows the broken tablets. For calculating the exact location of the broken tablet, pseudo coloring method is used and the pixel of the broken capsule is calculated. Correct size or color and any cracks are detected by performing corner detection and Harris algorithm technique on the tablets. Which is then followed by some pre-processing. After detecting the corners, they are compared with the template image and if there is any mismatch in the feature with the original template and the test image, the tablet gets rejected otherwise it is accept and given for use. 1.5 Me being the team leader, had to work out the flow and plan on how to proceed with the implementation process. I divided the project into small tasks and gave priority to each of them. Then they were assigned the duration in which that task had to be completed. My major task was designing the circuit diagram and block diagram on which the components could be decided. And the other crucial task was software coding. Regular meetings were kept with my team mates and the project guide to get any suggestions for any improvement in the project. Meetings were either through email or small presentations had to be made. 1.6 PERSONAL ENGINEERING ACTIVITY I started off with surveying the market so that the project I make would be useful. I read papers and articles relating the new upcoming technology and tried to do research on image processing methods and its technical specifications. This helped me to learn and build new technical skills. By applying my engineering knowledge and through technical reading I plotted a block diagram and decided upon the main hardware components that could be used for this project. It involved: Electrical components like Power supply of 230V, contractor 220-240V 1.47A, conveyor belt, step down transformer and DC motor. Electronics components such as a microcontroller, LCD, Regulator IC, relay. And a basic camera of 1.3MP/VGA With the help of the hardware components and block diagram I used a PCB designing tool for designing and structuring my circuit diagram. 1.7 After deciding and finalizing of the components, I wrote down the procedure in which the tracking of the missing tablet or damaged table would be done. The camera was used basically to get the complete image of the production. After getting the image, it is converted to monochrome image from RGB one. This results in the display of the tablet strips in black and white form, where the strips will be seen in grey color and the tablets would be in black. A predefined number is assigned and kept for the tablets in a strip to keep the track of it. If the tablets are found to be lower than the defined number after image processing takes place, the microcontroller will signal the second motor to discard the strip detected. This was the logical that was used for finding the tablet strip with missing tablet. 1.8 In the similar fashion a procedure was implied for detecting and finding cracks in the tablets. For that, firstly all other components are removed from the image and only the tablet is seen. This is done through filtration technique of image processing.Ã After this the image is converted to black and white from the original RGB image.Ã Because of such design and method, only cracks could be seen in the image if there are any. They would differ in color from the black tablet. They would appear to be white thin or thick lines. So, by applying such functioning technique, the presence of any crack in the tablet could be traced. 1.9 The working of my model is very simple. Above two logics are converted into a programming code through two software Bascom AVR and MATLAB 2013, and then the code is installed in the microcontroller ATmega16. Working with MATLAB software was not difficult and coding was not an issue because of having a subject of image processing in my curriculum. When the system is powered on with the help of power supply section, the conveyor belt starts to move. When the camera lens attached to the system senses the tablet strip that is passed through the conveyor belt, it would signal the microcontroller to stop the belt that runs with the help of motor 1. This is done for analyzing the tablet strip. ADC is used for converting the analog power signal from sensors to digital form for signaling the microcontroller. The image taken of the tablet strip is scanned and analyzed according[S1] to the functions as designed in MATLAB code. It will check for any defects or cracks or any missing tablet from the strip with the help of the image that was taken through camera. Based on the quality check performed using image enhancement and by carrying out morphological operations in MATLAB, it would signal the microcontroller to start the conveyor belt if no defect is found and in situations of faulty tablet motor 2 is signal to run a rejecting mechanism. A LCD is connected to get the count of number of strips checked, rejected or for the ones that are found defective. USART is used for communicating with the PC through microcontroller and vice-versa. 1.10 In the end, I could complete the project on time. The most difficult part of my project was to design and propose the circuit diagram. As working with PCB designing software was completely new for me. It took several trials before coming on the final figure. And implementation of the hardware was tough. Few minor mistakes created led into a big problem in my end mistake. I de-soldered the wrongly connected component part and connected it in the proper way to get the desired output and the circuit running. At the last stage, a test run was performed before submitted to check the working of each component and to see that the expected output is achieved. Working in teams was a challenging task as coming on one mutually agreed statement and solution is quite difficult. Though I managed my team well and never made any unfair decisions. 1.11 SUMMARY Thus, for companies manufacturing number of tablets in a day, inspecting the final product manually can be tiresome and a tedious job. The company need the help of automated systems. So, my project is an economical and efficient way to solve this problem. They only problem with this system is that it cannot be used for transparent tablet strips and is made to use for single colored tablets. This problem can be solved by performing further expansion on my project. By performing this project, I learnt a way in which the image processing technique is applied. It was a great learning experience. I could use my engineering knowledge and use it to apply theoretical knowledge into practical grounds. While conducting surveys, I could understand the market position and market value of new technologies. It gave me a good exposure. [S1]
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Market Research CCResort Essay
Market Research CCResort May 14, 2013 Kelvin Ting (z3438739) Table of Contents I. Executive Summary â⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦. 2 II. Introdution â⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦ 3 III. Methodology â⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦ 4 IV. Key Performance Indicator â⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦.. 5 V. Conclusionâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦. 7 Executive Summary ï⬠The customers with 2 or 4 family members, 69% of the customers have an income greater than $100,000 and the customers from 40 years old to 54 years old ( middle age) are more attracted by CCResorts Forster. The total expenditure for all the customers is $234772, the average is $1173.86. CCResorts succeed to achieve their first Key Performance Indicator: More than 40% of customers stay for a full week but fail to achieve the second Key Performanceà Indicator : the average customer spends less than $255 per day in excess of accommodation costs. . Introduction The aim of this report is to analyze the data has been collected from customers in order to investigate what type of customer has been attracted to CCResort , how much they spending at the resort over and above their accommodation costs. In addition the question of whether CCResort being successful in meeting their key performance indicators (KPIââ¬â¢s) stated as the business plan: 1. 2. More than 40% of their customers stay for a full week(i.e. seven night); The average customers stay spends more than $255 per day in excess of accommodation costs. 200 customers sample were collected randomly and they refer to a separating booking at CCResort over the last 12 months. Each example included 6 variables: ï⠷ Number of people in the booking party ï⠷ Length of stay (represented by the number of night) ï⠷ Age in years of person making the booking ï⠷ Total amount in dollars spent per booking over and above accommodation costs ï⠷ Income MARKET RESEARCH CCRESORT ââ¬â MAY 14, 2013 2 No. of customer Methodology and result 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Frequency 0 zà ± The value of test statistic is z = 3.175 > zà ±, Thus we do reject the null hypothesis and conclude that there is enough evidence to infer that at more than 40% of bookings in CPResorts would be staying for full week. The average customers stay spends more than $255 per day in excess of accommodation costs. To test if the average customer spends more than $260 per day. We performance a hypothesis test again. Null hypothesis, H0: p= 255 Alternative Hypothesis, H1: p=: à ¼>255 The test statistic is = 242 âËâ 260 49.2/ 200 =-5.714 Let the significant level be 5%, namely, à ±=0.05, thus Z0.05 =1.645, the rejection region isz > zà ± The rejection region should be Z> Z0.05 =1.645 We reject H0 if Z>1.645 Z =-5.174 So, there is not enough statistical evidence to infer that the alternative hypothesis is true which the average customer is spend more $255 per day in excess of accommodation costs. MARKET RESEARCH CCRESORT ââ¬â MAY 14, 2013 6 Conclusion With the help of statistical data provided, the greater $100,000 income group could be identified as the prospective customers of CCResorts. Both average daily spending level and length of stay of this group are predicted to be greater than the below $60,000 income group. In addition, the analysis has also raised some concerns about CCResorts business performance in the first year of operation. Although there isà enough evidence to infer that more than 40% are full week customers, the expenditure analysis has indicated that their spending level could fall below $255 per day, with sufficient evidence to support. The analysis has provided two important implications. First, with at more than 40% are full week customers, this indicates that type and quality of service offered by CCResorts have met customer expectations. This also means that the marketing department has successfully identified customer needs to deliver the right services and add value to its customers. Second, these results also suggest that pricing issue could cause the failure to meet revenue expectation. As income alone cannot fully explain the variation in spending behavior, high price of services could cause customers to decrease their spending level. MARKET RESEARCH CCRESORT ââ¬â MAY 14, 2013
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Education Sector Essay
In a globalized economy with a high degree of competition among countries, the success of a nation depends on the educational level of its workforce. Technology has rapidly transformed education by extending learning space beyond the four wall of a classroom. Even though school plays the main role of education, technology offers verities of opportunities to learn more. Such as, Distance learning, online learning communities and access to vast resources and databases, etc. with the help of Information and communications technology (ICT), it allows to improve quality of teaching and learning worldwide. (Bokova, 2013) There are both positive and negative impacts due to technological advancement in education sector. Affordability: Even though developed counties are able to afford this, most of the developing countries struggle to equip the basic ICT devices. However there are things which they can afford, such as mobile phone, it would help to connect teachers, students, parents and administrators. Capacities: National policy-makers sometimes may lack to formulate ICT in educational policies. In some developing counties teaching institutes frequently lack to trainer the teachers with ICT education practices. Which would lead to less ICT education in school levels. Inclusion: People who live in rural area, disabled people typically receives low quality educations, even though they have special educational needs. Introduction of ICT would favour inclusive education and reduce inequalities. Content: there are more teaching modules available by the help of ICT. Open Educational Resources (OERs) hold significant potential to accelerate free access to knowledge and facilitae the adaptation of content to local needs and languages. Quality Assurance: ICT can help the education system to be much easier, but some developing countries still havenââ¬â¢t been duly reformed to embrace these new learning outcomes. And issues such as quality of ICT-based learning and safety of children online needs to be addressed. (Bokova, 2013).
Friday, November 8, 2019
Future of Business under Bush essays
Future of Business under Bush essays President George W. Bush has announced a 6-point agenda for stimulating the US economy that he plans to implement, if re-elected. The plan would help businesses as follows: The cornerstone of President Bush's economic plan is his proposal for eliminating double taxation on corporate dividends carrying a price tage of $ 370 billion over the next 10 years. At present, the IRS taxes a company's profits and then taxes investors who receive the profits as dividends as well. The measure is likely to benefit entrepreneurs and businesses that pay dividend income, and seeks to strengthen businesses in the long-term that choose to distribute capital to their investors by means of dividends. (Jones, 2003) Current tax laws permit small businesses to write off up to $25,000 worth of equipment purchases as expenses. The President's plan would increase that limit to $75,000 and index it to inflation - encouraging small businesses to buy technology, machinery, and other equipment needed for Small businesses would be allowed to join together to purchase health coverage for workers at lower rates, resulting in lower health care costs. Measures are planned to reduce mass tort lawsuits against businesses and health care workers and insurance companies that drive up costs of doing business. ("President Bush's Six-point Plan, 2003") Another Bush proposal relating to businesses is a comprehensive national energy plan focusing on upgrading the nation's electrical grid, promoting energy efficiency, and increasing domestic energy production. (Ibid.) ...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Holy Allusions in essays
Holy Allusions in essays Throughout the story Billy Budd, the author Herman Mellville creates numerous biblical allegories with the events and characters that he devises. Billy Budd, a pure and innocent young man, is impressed by the Bellipotent. On the ship he is adored by all of his crewmates except the ships jealous master-at-arms John Claggart. Claggarts dislike for Billy grows into an intense hatred. During a confrontation between the two, Billys stuttering problem takes over and he thrashes out physically. Billy accidentally kills Claggart and is sentenced to death. The life and death of Billy can be compared to the biblical figures of Jesus Christ and Adam. The story of Ananias from the Bible is also referenced by the jealousy of Claggart and his deceitful plan to destroy him. Captain Vere, like Pontius Pilate when he judges Jesus, knows Billy to be innocent but feels he must follow the law and put Billy to death. These biblical allusions as well as many others add depth to the story and emphas ize the struggle between good and evil. A significant comparison in the novel is the portrayal of Billy as Adam before the fall. Much like Adam, Billy is oblivious to the surrounding evils until he encounters the serpent, Claggart. Billy was like a young horse fresh from the pasture suddenly inhaling a vile whiff from some chemical factory, and by repeated snorting trying to get it out of his nostrils and lungs (Melville 36). As for the evil temptation in the story of Adam, there are several comparisons between Claggart and the snake. When he approaches Billy, accusing him of planning mutiny, his eyes are compared to a serpents: The first mesmeric glance was that of serpent fascination (Melville 49). Another comparison is made when Claggarts body is being thrown into the sea. The surgeon says, It was like handling a dead snake (Melville 50). Billys downfall i...
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Circuit Soldering Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Circuit Soldering Assignment - Essay Example It normally commences melting at 183 degree centigrade. Plastic solder differs subject to the proportion of tin and lead. Exhaust fan aids in preventing an individual from inhaling the solder fumes in the soldering station. Safety goggles prevents flying solders from entering the eyes of the person undertaking soldering process whilst clips aids in holding the work piece being join (Jepson, Tyler & Gregory, pp. 178-198). Moistening action is the flush action of solder, which normally develops intermetallic connection amidst the sections. It occurs when hot solder encounters with the copper surface forming a metal solvent action thereby making the solder to dissolves and infiltrates the prevailing copper surface. This makes the molecules of solder and copper to blend thus forming a new alloy with one part copper and the other solder (Jepson, Tyler & Gregory, pp. 167-189). The process solely occurs when the superficial of copper does not have impurity and corresponding oxide film. Suitable solder links is accomplished with cleaned surfaces with solvents before soldering process. Fluxes are utilized in overcoming oxide film on electronic and it mainly entail normal or synthetic rosins and chemical additives. A flux removes oxide during the soldering operation via flux action, which is extremely corrosive at the solder melt temperatures (Jepson, Tyler & Gregory, pp. 167-189). Melt temperature is normally responsible for the fluxââ¬â¢s capability to rapidly removal of oxides. Nevertheless, in its underlying unheated state, rosin flux is normally in the non-corrosive and non-conductive thus does not affect circuitry. Moreover, fluxing action aids in removal of oxide, prevention of reformation of the new oxides thus allowing the solder to form the preferred intermetallic
Friday, November 1, 2019
Human Resource Management Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Human Resource Management - Coursework Example In this method the employers base the wage rate on the job irrespective of the person who is doing it. The HR professionals and employers are now moving towards Competency based pay. According to this approach the employers determine the pay scale or salary range of the employee depending on his depth, types of skills and knowledge. An employee may receive a higher salary than his range if his competency level is equitable for a higher level job. Competency is the demonstrated skill, knowledge and behavior of a person that ensures and enables desired performance. There are three basic differences between the two approaches of pay scale. In the competency based approach the salary is more person oriented. The salary is based on the skills, knowledge and depth of the employee. Here a person gets paid for the knowledge and skills of the things he has the potential to do even if he is not doing it right now. Whereas in traditional method pay is job oriented irrespective of the skills and abilities of the person who is doing it. It ties the pay scale with the worth of the job. In competency based approach an employee builds competency through experience on the same or similar jobs. Whereas in job based pay the aim of the employee is not build competency (knowledge and skills) but the determinants are experience and tenure. ... sler et al, 2009) Reduction of Unsafe Acts through Selection, Placement and Employee Participation It has been a well accepted fact that some employees are more prone to accidents than others. Reasons for such irresponsible behavior are not easy to find and hence organizations concentrate on reducing these incidents as much as possible through a variety of strategies. These strategies for minimizing accidents and unsafe behavior can be divided into four categories namely personnel selection, employee training and participation, incentive programs and safety rules and regulations. Many environmental factors also play an important role in scientific strategy of reducing accidents, such as overcrowded workplaces, faulty or wrong arrangement of the material to be used in industrial process and many other placements. With the help of work and safety engineers these problems of placements can be resolved. These engineers not only take care of placement issues but also of any potential situ ation in the environment that can cause distress and discomfort among employees. They help in providing congenial, safe and stress free working condition conditions. Personal factors also play an important role. Some employees are more prone to accidents than others. These personal factors can be detected or identified through an appropriate and well designed selection process. Through a variety of psychological test an applicantââ¬â¢s motor and sensory abilities can be judged along with the muscular speed and perceptual style. It will help finding the right match of these qualities required for the job in the person. During the selection process an insight about a potential employeeââ¬â¢s work habits, any organic diseases, fatigue level, drug addiction, age and experience, can be gained to
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